B.C. Excavating, LLC is a fully versed general contractor with extensive experience throughout the State of Alaska providing heavy civil/commercial site work, environmental, residential and custom fabrication services. The following are some examples of our recently completed projects:
Heavy Civil/Commercial

Client: Boslough Construction, Inc.
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Project Summary:
B.C. Excavating worked as a subcontractor to Boslough Construction for a new 10,000 sf facility on 36th Avenue. Work included a 580 lf sewer main line extension, 150 lf of water service with a full closure and crossing of 36th avenue. Storm drain facilities including underground retention system with StormCeptors and catch basins and a tie-in to 36th avenue facilities. A new driveway entry with a full turn pocket from 36th avenue required demolition of the existing median and replacement of decorative stamped concrete.

DAIRY QUEEN, Anchorage, AK

Client: H.Watt & Scott, Inc.
Project Summary:
Working as a subcontractor to H. Watt & Scott, B.C. Excavating began excavation for the project in January of 2010. Working in winter conditions the utilities were installed and the foundation prepped to allow for a summer opening of the new restaurant.


Client: MCN Construction, Inc.
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Project Summary:
Work included haul off of 6500 cubic yards of unsuitable soils and replacement with 12,500 tons or clean gravel. Utilities for the 15,000 sf building included 450 lf of 8” DIP tapped into the center of Huffman Road. Sanitary Sewer required demolition of the existing main and 65 lf of 4” service. The Storm Sewer included a StormCeptor and 400 lf of piping and 6 manholes.


Client: Criterion General, Inc.
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Project Summary:
Working as a subcontractor for Criterion General, excavation and backfill for the 1 acre building included clearing 8 acres, 48000 cubic yards of haul off, installing 2 each 25,000 gallon fire water tanks, prepping for 2 acres of parking lot. Additional work in Knik Goose Bay Road included adding a right hand turn lane and a center left turn lane and reconstructing ditches and repaving 1800 feet of roadway.


Client: Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility
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Project Summary:
Installed, by sliplining, approximately 3,182 lf of 41-inch reinforced pipe into an existing 48-inch sewer transmission main interceptor pipe. Excavated and backfilled insertion pits, approximately 1,250 sy of asphalt removal and replacement, sewer flow control, approximately 3,182 lf of pre and post CCTV inspections, installed approximately 3,182 lf of annular space grout, connected side sewers and sewer connections, sewer manhole cleaning, traffic control, all related appurtenances, and restored the affected streets and improvements.


Client: Criterion General, Inc.
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Project Summary:
For the Abbott Road location B.C. Excavating began the project with less than 60 days left in the construction season for paving, work on the project consisted of installing water, sewer and storm improvements. Prepping for building slab and prep for curbs sidewalks and paving. Work was accomplished on time and on budget with snow falling one day after paving. For the B Street location, a 32,000+ square foot building, oversized footings were required due to the height of the building and utility connections and a storm water system were installed.


Client: Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility
General Contractor: MWH Americas, Inc.
Project Summary:
B.C. Excavating assisted MWH Americas, Inc. field crews using SmartBall® technology to record and detail the condition of approximately 130,000 lf of large diameter water mains. The SmartBall®, produced by Pure Technologies, is a free-floating foam ball with an instrumented aluminum core that detects acoustic activity associated with leaks and pockets of trapped gas in pressurized pipelines. In other words, the ball “listens” for leaks as it floats through a pipe. The acoustic signal also helps to identify pipe segments that have been weakened by corrosion, so that AWWU can plan for maintenance before an emergency repair is required. B.C. Excavating was tasked with project support ranging from setting trench boxes and caissons to preparing pipe for testing sensors on transmission main ranging from 24 inch to 72 inch in diameter throughout Anchorage.


Client: Cook Inlet Housing Authority
General Contractor: Boslough Construction, Inc.
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Project Summary:
B.C. Excavating teamed with Boslough Construction to build a mixed use residential/commercial building for Cook Inlet Housing Authority. For the utility installation B.C. Excavating utilized two of its Vactor trucks along with its caisson and specialty trench shoring technology to surgically locate and connect to a water mainline running down a main street in Anchorage. The work was required to be performed over the weekend and at night so that a full shut down of the four-lane street could be accomplished. The site itself proved to be a challenge in its own right. As site excavation proceeded, it became immediately apparent that the site had in the past been utilized as an asphalt disposal pit with areas of densely compacted asphalt ranging from 5-20+ feet thick. B.C. Excavating set up an onsite screening plant, screened the asphalt and disposed of it off site. The large volume of asphalt exported from the site left the client facing a huge potential cost in replacement structural gravel. Through value engineering, B.C. Excavating and the clients came up with a plan to mine an area of the site that did not require structural gravel to help off-set the costs. The project also required the reconstruction and updating of Park Street which included new traffic loops, sidewalks, retaining walls and signage.


Client: Municipality of Anchorage, Public Works
Project Summary:
In May of 2011 B.C. Excavating was awarded a contract to install a 340-foot concrete fish passage in Little Campbell Creek. During construction the creek was diverted through a 24-inch HDPE pipe. Once the concrete box culvert was put into place a channel substrate was placed in the bottom of the culvert and a meandering channel was constructed for the fish. Headwalls were constructed on either end of the fish passage and final restoration included paving the site and providing stream embankment stabilization measures.

NORCON SHOP, Anchorage, AK

Client: Norcon, Inc.
General Contractor: Criterion General
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Project Summary:
B.C. Excavating was the civil subcontractor to Criterion General for their design/build contract with Norcon, Inc. for its Maintenance Facilities Shop and storage yard. B.C. Excavating developed a 7 acre site between 64th and 68th avenue in Anchorage. As part of the project B.C. Excavating also improved 500 feet of A street including all utilities. This project was developed next to existing wetlands with high water tables so storm water and erosion control were of great importance. Work performed by B.C. Excavating on this site included complete upgrade and improvements to A Street, export of 50,000 cubic yards of unusable material, import of 45,000 tons of NFS material, installation of 600 lf of water main, 600 lf of sewer main with four manholes, 750 lf of storm piping with seven manholes, construction of a half acre storm water retention pond, and the excavation/backfill/slab preparation for the commercial building.


Client: Unique Machine
General Contractor: MCN Construction, Inc.
Project Summary:
B.C. Excavating was the civil subcontractor to MCN Construction for their design/build contract with the Unique Machine to develop a 13.5 acre site off of King Street in Anchorage. B.C. Excavating worked closely with MCN and Enterprise Engineering (the civil design engineer) during the course of the project. This project was developed in existing wetlands with high water tables so stormwater and erosion control were of great importance. Work performed by B.C. Excavating on this site included export of 140,000 cubic yards of unusable material, import of 85,000 tons of NFS material, installation of 850 lf of water main, 835 lf of sewer main with four manholes, 6,750 lf of storm piping with the installation of 20 manholes, a state of the art detention/retention center for storm water, excavation/backfill/slab preparation for three buildings ranging from 15,000 square feet to 38,000 square feet, and installation of a 1,200 lf rail spur to the site.


Client: Municipality of Anchorage Solid Waste Services
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Project Summary:
B.C. Excavating was the general contractor for the installation of a landfill gas collection system to burn Methane from the Anchorage Regional Landfill. B.C. Excavating was able to complete the project on time under very tight time constraints. During the course of the project B.C. Excavating provided the client over $65,000.00 in savings through value engineering proposals. The project included installation of 14,000 lf of 4-18 inch HDPE piping around the landfill to transport landfill gas. The piping was tied into 50 vertical wells that were drilled onsite. Our subcontractor, Criterion General, constructed a 30-foot by 50-foot building to house the equipment to process the gas. Enterprise Engineering designed the foundation for B.C. Excavating on this project. A 45-foot flare was set up onsite for burning the landfill gas. In addition to the gas extraction system B.C. Excavating installed over 5,000-feet of perimeter trenching around the landfill to control stormwater runoff.


Client: Alaska Hotel Properties
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Project Summary:
B.C. Excavating was the general contractor for site civil roads project and development of the employee housing park facility. B.C. Excavating also served as the subcontractor for service utilities and foundation excavation and backfill for new lodge facilities to Criterion General. These projects included excavation and grading activities related to facility expansion, including utilities, roads, buildings, water features, walkways, parking lots, lighting, and the installation of on-site wastewater disposal facilities. As part of the road projects, B.C. Excavating set up an on-site screening and crushing operation to produce end product aggregates. Given the client’s unique market, i.e., Alaska tourism, B.C. Excavating had to schedule its construction work around the client’s peak season, with a majority of the work having to be performed under winter conditions. B.C. Excavating presented the client with several options for its unique logistical requirements in regards to processed aggregates and topographical challenges while maintaining the natural aesthetic appeal the Alaskan environment has to offer.


Client: Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility (MOA)
General Contractor: Alaska Road Boring
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Project Summary:
As a subcontractor to Alaska Road Boring we were responsible for all waterline excavation, drilling support for waterline bursting, including insertion and receiving pits, construction of mainline, fire hydrants, valves, connections to existing mains and temporary water for residents. The waterline installation was in the street right of way so daily involvement with the public was part of our job- i.e., answering questions, helping pedestrians around the construction zones and traffic control. The sewer line construction on this project consisted of installing a very difficult sewage bypass system consisting of setting temporary manholes to bypass service lines from apartment buildings, dewatering and mainline replacement. This project consisted of replacing 2,100 lf of 6-inch cast iron waterline with 10-inch HDPE pipe through the use of pipe bursting and localized excavation and connections to the existing water mains, water valves and water service connections, installation of new fire hydrants, storm drains and restoration of pavement and landscaping. Part of this contract also consisted of the rehabilitation of approximately 776 lf of 8-inch asbestos cement sewer pipe, manhole cone replacement, dewatering and sewage bypass and all effected landscaping and pavement restoration within the utility easement. In addition to the contract, traffic calming improvements were made consisting of street improvements and pedestrian amenities and the construction of new sidewalks, storm drain, curb and gutter and landscaping.


Client: Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility (MOA)
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Project Summary:
This project consisted of the rehabilitation of 1,800 lf of 10” water main with the installation of the first ever cured in place water pipe lining system in Anchorage utilizing the latest in cured in place technology, design and construction of over 1,800 lf of 10” temporary water main supplying temporary water to businesses spanning three city blocks, installation of two fire hydrants, the restoration of the affected streets and improvements, and the excavation and shoring of insertion pits next to and underneath the main Down Town utilidor. Reinstatement of water services was accomplished through the use of robotic reinstatement. Low impact excavation techniques, utilizing B.C. Excavating’s vactor trucks and mini excavators, helped reduce the impact of the overall project. Throughout the course of the project B.C. Excavating utilized seven trench boxes and four caissons to ensure the safety of all personnel involved. This project involved intricate traffic control, heavy public involvement and concerned business owners. Daily public involvement was necessary to keep the business owners informed of road closures and disruption to their services. A close and cooperative working relationship was essential to the successful completion of this project.

MULCAHY STADIUM, Anchorage, Alaska

Client: Lake View General Contracting
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Project Summary:
Following successful completion of the site work for the Dimond Football Stadium, B.C. Excavating was selected as the civil contractor to upgrade the turf at the Mulcahy Baseball Stadium. The site was mapped using site modeling software from Terramodel. The 3-D program was loaded into a D-5 Dozer and a Cat 140 Grader GPS on board system to establish grades and hold to the strict tolerances required for field turf installations. Work included upgrades to both dugouts and working with subcontractors installing an underground sprinkler system. The project involved removing existing soils to allow placement of three specialty layers of gravel, leveling course and a finishing stone. The project was finished ahead of schedule and on budget.

Client: Shannon & Wilson, Inc.
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Project Summary:
B.C. Excavating packaged 2,650 cubic yards of PCB contaminated soil on a Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) project. The soil was placed into 5-cubic yard super sacks and transported to a lined cell next to the barge landing area for offsite disposal. Additional work on this site included demolition of a septic system and the removal and replacement of the fueling system for the school. Since the work was conducted at a public facility extra safety precautions needed to be taken in order to protect the community from the contamination during the course of the work.


Client: Paug-Vik Services, LLC
Project Summary:
Paug-Vik Services, LLC and B.C. Excavating teamed up on this United States Air Force project for the cleanup of several contaminated sites in the remote town of King Salmon. This project consisted of the excavation and packaging of PCB and pesticide contaminated soils into 5-cubic yard super sacks for offsite disposal. Several biocells were constructed onsite to remediate petroleum contaminated soils that were excavated and placed in the liners. In addition, a limited drum cleanup was performed at one site which required the packaging of each drums contents, decontamination of the drums, and disposal at the local landfill. B.C. Excavating utilized local recourses and equipment to perform the various tasks on this contract. This project involved close and cooperative working relationships with the general contractor and local community which were essential to the successful completion of this project.


Client: ADEC
This project presented particular challenges due to the site’s high level of contamination due to leakage in a fueling station fill pipe that went unchecked for a number of years. B.C. Excavating teamed with Shannon and Wilson Inc., the environmental consultant for this project. This project involved the demolition of existing concrete pads and dispenser island and canopies, removal and disposal of a 20,000 gallon underground storage tank and piping, excavation and transportation by truck of over 1,275 tons of contaminated material from Sterling, AK to Alaska Soil Recycling’s thermal remediation facility in Anchorage, AK, and the restoration of the site to its pre-excavation conditions. In an effort to further remediate the site, B.C. Excavating also installed a vapor extraction system and utilized an advanced chemical oxidation process meant to enhance bioremediation.
B.C. Excavating has completed literally hundreds of residential projects throughout the State of Alaska including clearing and grubbing, structural demolition, material export and import, foundation preparation, slab on grade preparation, utility services, and landscaping.